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Written by: Gary Reed

Published as 48 page comic book issue

Black and White print

All Publishing rights available

The Amazons...warriors extraordinaire who's name struck terror in even the bravest men. innocent who brought a wave of evil into the world.

Boadicea...a widow who took up a sword and nearly brought the Romans to their knees

Guinevere...who let love for another man shatter a kingdom.


These are just some of the famous women of myth and legend that are explored in this 48 page book release. Each of the mistresses features a full page illustration from a different artist and accompanied by a full page description of the character.


A look at some of the most famous and beautiful women from the classic mythologies covering Greek, Roman, Egyptian, Celtic, Norse, and others.  Each figure is be drawn by a different artist and contributors include Ray Lago, Guy Davis, Vincent Locke, Philip Xavier, Andy Bennett, and nearly two dozen more.  Accompanying the art is text explaining who these characters are and why they're so important in mythology.  An excellent reference guide, in addition to showcasing great girl-art from many talented artists.

Mythologies Mistresses