"This is a wonderful morality tale done in the tradition of the Twilight Zone." - Odinson, Lone Star Comics Archivist, My Comic Shop.com.

"Adam gets 5 out of 5 stars!" - Allen Freeman, Small Press Newsroom.

Adam is the First, science's revered first immortal before the rise of the New Humans. Ugly and deformed, his sacrifice leads to the perfect race of godlike people that inhabit the world around him. While he is now worshiped as the first and undying, he is also hopelessly alone. Adam Among The Gods is a sci-fi tale explores the evolving standards of beauty and perfection and how those choices could affect the physical and mental wellbeing of a human race improved through genetic tampering.


From the mind of Gary Scott Beatty (Mis-Adventures of Adam West, Vincent Price Night Terrors) with art and inks by acclaimed Saint Germaine illustrator James Lyle (Grimm Fairy Tales)

Adam Among The Gods

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Published as single comic issue

​Color print

All Publishing and Media rights available

Written by: Gary Scott Beatty

Illustrated by: James Lyle

Visit the Caliber Comic's website: www.calibercomics.com